There are a number ways you can fund your account:Transfer funds into your PhillipCapital trading account using:
- Direct Bank Transfer: The welcome email you receive upon account opening will contain banking details to make a direct transfer. Using this method will mean that your funds will sit in your PhillipCapital ledger.
- BPAY: You will be provided with BPay details in the welcome email you receive upon account opening. Funds deposited via BPay will sit in you PhillipCapital ledger account.
- Link a Cash Management Account: You are able to link a cash management account to your POEMS trading account. The type of CMAs we are compatible with are: Macquarie CMA
Please note that under Australia Anti Money Laundering laws, PhillipCapital can only accept funds from a bank account in the same name as your PhillipCapital account. If we decide that the funds deposited have come from a bank account in someone else’s (or entities) name, we reserve the right to reject your deposit.